120+ custom molded LED flowers that react to individuals and play games.
Assisted with the design and build by the JOBI team.
Creations I have built or helped create using programmable LEDs and code.
120+ custom molded LED flowers that react to individuals and play games.
Assisted with the design and build by the JOBI team.
An 12 foot long whale transport. Supporting the teams logistics, design and fundraising.
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An 80 foot long car with custom LED modules and hand molded LED diffusers.
An all new LED structure and code refreshes the two story roving buffalo, with audio responsive lighting and synchronization with other LED.
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A custom built two seat trike, with sound, light, and GPS tracking. Kinder Spirit synchronizes
with other LED.
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8,640 LEDs arranged in 32 arcs along an a 1000 foot long axis. Patterns race out at the speed of sound to visualize music for observers. Build as part of a wonderful team out of San Francisco. Photo thanks to Scott Kline.
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A 20 foot high, 50 foot long buffalo that brings joy to the world with audio responsive vclasseo played on large LED meshes built into fur. Built with a great team out of New York.
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A 20 foot high audio responsive heart perched on top of climbable vines. Assisted a great team lead by Jeremy Richardson. Photo provided by Scott London.
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A 10,800 LED audio responsive netting with interactive control surfaces. Exhibited at Google IO
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